Company Overview
Wisconsin based Denali Ingredients is an ingredients manufacturer serving the ice cream, novelty, fluid dairy, bakery, and food service markets. The company makes a wide range of high quality products created by a team of professional research and development food scientists. Denali serves its customers by delivering innovations in a unique manner we like to call The Denali Difference. The people of Denali make the company what it is.
In September of 2006, Denali Flavors purchased the former CoolBrands and Eskimo Pie ingredients manufacturing facility in New Berlin, WI and renamed it Denali Ingredients. Since then the organization has gone through many upgrades and additions and now features over 110,000 square feet of production, warehousing, and offices, encompassing two buildings. Best of all, Denali Ingredients is fortunate to employ some of the most experienced in the industry as well as some of the upcoming best and brightest.