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National Soft Ice Cream Day

If you had the opportunity to try our last round of Flavor Innovation, then you tried The Softie, the soft ice cream concept.

Jane, Technology Manager – Texture Systems, on our R&D team spearheaded the development of this concept. To celebrate National Soft Ice Cream Day, we thought it would be fitting to have her talk about her experience with soft ice cream.

What inspired this concept?

“Who doesn’t love soft ice cream cones? They’re a delicious treat!”

How was The Softie achieved?

“Denali Ingredients developed a special formula to provide this experience at home. The special formula is designed so the ice cream has similar texture as a soft ice cream cone, even straight out of a home freezer.”

What type of development work goes into a concept like that?

“To develop this type of texture, the freezing point of the ice cream was changed. The freezing point is the temperature where the liquid ice cream mix turns to a solid ice cream. In addition to that, sugar is one of the ingredients which effects this temperature the most, so different sugars will depress or lower this temperature. Manipulating the type of sugars used and lowering the freezing point, magically gives a softer texture at normal freezer temperatures.”

Do stabilizer and texture systems still play a role in the developmental work?

“Special stabilizers help keep the texture from getting too icy during storage.”

What was your favorite part of this process?

“My favorite part was getting just the right combination of different sugars to give the perfect texture as well as flavor. It’s a fun challenge! Denali Ingredients is excited to share this innovative ice cream to customers.”